Full Version: Adding web page links to the Menu bar
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Hello Corebos geniuses

I am looking for something akin to the old OUR sites on the menu bar.

Maybe it is still there but I can't seem to find a way to make it show up for users.

Could someone point me in the right direction

Thank you all

Have a look at the attached image and create a menu entry following that guide.

Thanks, Joe

However I do not have the Our sites in either my tools menu (see attached) or in the option box when creating a menu item on the right of the screen.

I tried a URL module option on the right and it seemed to do nothing as well.

Don't know if I am missing something
Look at the image I sent above. Fill in the right panel with the same settings and click on the "Add" button. That should add the entry to the "Tools" menu
(04-19-2018, 02:55 PM)joebordes Wrote: [ -> ]Look at the image I sent above. Fill in the right panel with the same settings and click on the "Add" button. That should add the entry to the "Tools" menu

Thanks for your fast reply JOe

I do not have our sites in the action drop-down.  (see below)

I may be missing something but this is why I can't reproduce your image. 
You don't have it translated, you are probably on an earlier version that doesn't translate the picklist. Use Portal as the action.
That worked perfectly
