I tried use a workflow to execute a function uppercasewords, but in my instalattion not working properly, nothing is changed ..
Same workflow at demo online works properly
How I can trace why system don't works in my installation?
cron is setting and running correctly ...
I create a new task, send email, email is sent normally ...
In fact workflow is executed, but tasks for upgraded a registry not ...
Strange, system not change a string, if all letters in uppercase ....
If text is lowercase, is transform correctly, but if precious text in uppercase, not working ...
I reproduce in online demo .. now.
Yes, uppercase and lowercases works .. only uppercasewords works not working
IF string is all letters in uppercase. ( not working )
IF string is all letters in lowercase ( works )
I can created a expression with like as uppercasewords (lowercase ( filed )) ?
Or I need created a two separated tasks?
yes, works.
first I execute lowercase and after that execute uppercasewords