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When I import into the comments module, how can I define which module comment will be added?

At my first test, when I imported, system add comment in opportunities (?)

I wish system add comment in other module, like a service contracts
When trying to understand the import format I always recommend the same procedure: create 3/4 records manually with different values and export them. If you already have comments in the system, select 4/5 and export them. The format you get is the format the application expects when importing.

To answer your question, in the export you should see something like this in the "related to" field:

Yes, with this tip I was able to load for service contracts

I put it as assigned to a user but even with the public profile the system does not display this users comments
It was created as created by the administrator (although in charge I point to this same user)

Two things

1) In import I forced setting to my user ( in spreadsheet column has no value, only a header ), however the system put all comment as admin user ( was logged) in as creator

2) The user assigned to this is correct, but he does not see the comments ( mapped in import with assigned to )

Sharing of comments is as public too
At import system ask for Creator, Creator is a comment author?
After doing the this video

I did one last test deleting the creator column and setting it to a user in the default picklist during import, it worked as expected.

Yes, Creator is comment author.
Ok, thanks

But I think environment makes a difference in this case ..

First spreadsheet for us, normally was created from another software, second today I use a mac, and MS Excel

I think is necessary, to get better results change to Linux Ubuntu and Open office.

I will tried this and post a result here ..
Contacts works, but i think services contracts not ...

For you worked in contracts services too?
I just imported the attached file to ServiceContracts with no problem at all. Similar to the video I added two related to a new SC and even added a new line to an existing SC.