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1. Should I be able to login using a user profile or do I use a contact that has portal access. This is for VtigerCrm mode. Ive already changed
'vtyiicpngScope' => 'vtigerCRM',  //  CPortal | vtigerCRM
   'notSupportedModules' => array(
         'vtigerCRM' => array(

Now I can login using Contact portal user but not User profile. Is the user profile only used for REST?

2. How to remove <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> from login page.

3. Is it possible to remove fields from customer portal like Title and Firstname. I have them removed from Corebos but they show up in the Customer Portal?

[Image: Paddy_core_BOSCP.png]
1.- No, I don't think we ever got around to implementing that. It should be easy because the REST interface has the functionality.

2.- protected/views/site/login.php the default value is hard coded there

3.- We really didn't test the vtigerCRM mode, that was more an experiment that we played with when we realized that the webservice interface supported that.

Let's try the other way around: what do you need to do?
I am trying to use the Customer Portal as the Main Interface and Corebos as the back-end as I can change the look of the Customer Portal via css etc. I want to be the only one accessing the backend and other users accessing the customer portal. Another reason is to have it responsive.

I'm trying to create a membership database for a gym. I posted on your forum last year and you recommended setting members up as contacts and membership up as Sales Orders. I also am trying to create a checkin module where members checkin when entering the gym. I would also like in the checkin module to have members show in red if their membership is about to expire. I had this setup in Vtiger 6 and got suck on the Checkin Module as I couldn't show fields from other modules ( membership start date and end date). That was my main reason for setting up corebos.

Quote:1.- No, I don't think we ever got around to implementing that. It should be easy because the REST interface has the functionality.

I don't need to login using the user profile I just wasn't sure if I was suppose to be.
Ok, for the checkin system it is a pure customer portal:

- your members are contacts, so all they need is customer portal access, this will make it easy for you to expire their access
- you will be able to define what they need to see using the profile system, without needing to create users for each one

I think you are on the right track. Keep asking, I will try to help all I can
Thanks Joe.

I just install the customer portal in my CoreBOS distribution and the instalation  is over ok, but I'm not able to register. I've tried with a newly created user, configured as a portal user, and there's no way.When I try to recover the password in tne login form, the answer is "The email provided is not in our system."

You have to login with a contact that has access to the customer portal, not with a user of the application.

Is that working for you?
(11-16-2017, 08:51 AM)joebordes Wrote: [ -> ]You have to login with a contact that has access to the customer portal, not with a user of the application.

Is that working for you?

Hello, Joe

No. I try to login with a customer portal user, but it´s impossible.  And if I try to recovery the password customer portal tells me

"El email proporcionado, no se encuentra en nuestro sistema"

The URL is:

the customer portal user is:

[Image: cpcorebos.jpg]

Did you receive the initial email with the password for this user?
(11-16-2017, 03:22 PM)joebordes Wrote: [ -> ]Did you receive the initial email with the password for this user?

That is the problem. I thought that the user would have direct access to customer portal, and since the mail server was not configured correctly, the mail was not received, and the user can´t log in. Resolved! Thank you, Joe