Full Version: [solved] Know which user deleted a record
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Is there any way, do I know which user deleted a record?

I found a record in the recycle bin, but I would like to know which user to delete them and on what date.

How can I do this?
I haven't tested this, but could it be that the 'last modified by' parameter will tell you this?
Problem is not is possible,  spy this field without recover the registry

Perhaps  is necessary changed to list of fields in filter view recicle bin to show this field ...
As Luke indicates this information is saved in the vtiger_crmentity.modifiedby field. So you can look in the database.

Another option is if you have ModTracker activated in the module you can recover the record and view the history.

Finally, I think it is a good idea to show the last modified column so I added it:
