Full Version: [ Solved ] Bug filter not working anymore
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I have a strange situation in my coreBOS installation.

Any filter with a basics condition not working anymore ..

For example, I need filter a Lead Source = "text"  and system shows nothing ( but when I listed with sql command, directly in database has many records )

Anybody can help I can solved that?

I applied all changes from github and corebos_updater ( today .. )

In campaign I received this error

Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function FetchRow() on boolean in /usr/share/coreBOS/corebos-master/include/database/PearDatabase.php:668 Stack trace: #0 /usr/share/coreBOS/corebos-master/modules/Campaigns/LoadList.php(35): PearDatabase->fetch_array(false) #1 /usr/share/coreBOS/corebos-master/include/Ajax/CommonAjax.php(18): require_once('/usr/share/core...') #2 /usr/share/coreBOS/corebos-master/modules/Campaigns/CampaignsAjax.php(10): require_once('/usr/share/core...') #3 /usr/share/coreBOS/corebos-master/index.php(475): include_once('/usr/share/core...') #4 {main} thrown in /usr/share/coreBOS/corebos-master/include/database/PearDatabase.php on line 668

2018-08-28T18:23:34-03:00 INFO VT PearDatabase ->ADODB fetchByAssoc return null
2018-08-28T18:23:34-03:00 DEBUG index Prepared sql query being executed : select 1 FROM vtiger_globalvariable INNER JOIN vtiger_crmentity ON vtiger_crmentity.crmid = vtiger_globalvariable.globalvariableid where vtiger_crmentity.deleted=0 and gvname=? limit 1
2018-08-28T18:23:34-03:00 DEBUG index Prepared sql query parameters : [Debug_ListView_Query]
2018-08-28T18:23:34-03:00 DEBUG index Prepared sql query being executed : SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS,, vtiger_leaddetails.industry, vtiger_leadscf.cf_742, vtiger_crmentity.smownerid, vtiger_leaddetails.firstname, vtiger_leaddetails.lastname, vtiger_leaddetails.leadstatus, vtiger_leaddetails.leadsource, vtiger_leaddetails.leadid FROM vtiger_leaddetails INNER JOIN vtiger_crmentity ON vtiger_leaddetails.leadid = vtiger_crmentity.crmid INNER JOIN vtiger_leadaddress ON vtiger_leaddetails.leadid = vtiger_leadaddress.leadaddressid INNER JOIN vtiger_leadscf ON vtiger_leaddetails.leadid = vtiger_leadscf.leadid LEFT JOIN vtiger_users ON vtiger_crmentity.smownerid = LEFT JOIN vtiger_groups ON vtiger_crmentity.smownerid = vtiger_groups.groupid WHERE vtiger_crmentity.deleted=0 and vtiger_leaddetails.converted=0 AND ( (( vtiger_leaddetails.leadsource IN (
select translation_key
from vtiger_cbtranslation
where locale="pt_br" and forpicklist="Leads::leadsource" and i18n = 'EMGE') OR vtiger_leaddetails.leadsource = 'EMGE') )) AND vtiger_leaddetails.leadid > 0 LIMIT 0, 20
2018-08-28T18:23:34-03:00 INFO VT PearDatabase ->ADODB error Query Failed:SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS,, vtiger_leaddetails.industry, vtiger_leadscf.cf_742, vtiger_crmentity.smownerid, vtiger_leaddetails.firstname, vtiger_leaddetails.lastname, vtiger_leaddetails.leadstatus, vtiger_leaddetails.leadsource, vtiger_leaddetails.leadid FROM vtiger_leaddetails INNER JOIN vtiger_crmentity ON vtiger_leaddetails.leadid = vtiger_crmentity.crmid INNER JOIN vtiger_leadaddress ON vtiger_leaddetails.leadid = vtiger_leadaddress.leadaddressid INNER JOIN vtiger_leadscf ON vtiger_leaddetails.leadid = vtiger_leadscf.leadid LEFT JOIN vtiger_users ON vtiger_crmentity.smownerid = LEFT JOIN vtiger_groups ON vtiger_crmentity.smownerid = vtiger_groups.groupid WHERE vtiger_crmentity.deleted=0 and vtiger_leaddetails.converted=0 AND ( (( vtiger_leaddetails.leadsource IN (
select translation_key
from vtiger_cbtranslation
where locale="pt_br" and forpicklist="Leads::leadsource" and i18n = 'EMGE') OR vtiger_leaddetails.leadsource = 'EMGE') )) AND vtiger_leaddetails.leadid > 0 LIMIT 0, 20::->[1146]Table 'corebos580.vtiger_cbtranslation' doesn't exist
2018-08-28T18:23:34-03:00 DEBUG index query being executed : SELECT FOUND_ROWS();
2018-08-28T18:23:34-03:00 DEBUG index Prepared sql query being executed : select 1 FROM vtiger_globalvariable INNER JOIN vtiger_crmentity ON vtiger_crmentity.crmid = vtiger_globalvariable.globalvariableid where vtiger_crmentity.deleted=0 and gvname=? limit 1
2018-08-28T18:23:34-03:00 DEBUG index Prepared sql query parameters : [Application_ListView_Compute_Page_Count]
2018-08-28T18:23:34-03:00 DEBUG index Prepared sql query being executed : select * FROM vtiger_globalvariable INNER JOIN vtiger_crmentity ON vtiger_crmentity.crmid = vtiger_globalvariable.globalvariableid where vtiger_crmentity.deleted=0 and gvname=? and mandatory='1'
2018-08-28T18:23:34-03:00 DEBUG index Prepared sql query parameters : [Application_ListView_Compute_Page_Count]
2018-08-28T18:23:34-03:00 DEBUG index Prepared sql query being executed : select * FROM vtiger_globalvariable INNER JOIN vtiger_crmentity ON vtiger_crmentity.crmid = vtiger_globalvariable.globalvariableid inner join vtiger_user2role on vtiger_user2role.userid='6' where vtiger_crmentity.deleted=0 and gvname=? and rolegv like concat('%', vtiger_user2role.roleid, '%')
2018-08-28T18:23:34-03:00 DEBUG index Prepared sql query parameters : [Application_ListView_Compute_Page_Count]
2018-08-28T18:23:34-03:00 DEBUG index Prepared sql query being executed : select * FROM vtiger_globalvariable INNER JOIN vtiger_crmentity ON vtiger_crmentity.crmid = vtiger_globalvariable.globalvariableid where vtiger_crmentity.deleted=0 and gvname=? and vtiger_crmentity.smownerid='6'
2018-08-28T18:23:34-03:00 DEBUG index Prepared sql query parameters : [Application_ListView_Compute_Page_Count]
2018-08-28T18:23:34-03:00 DEBUG index Prepared sql query being executed : select 1 FROM vtiger_globalvariable INNER JOIN vtiger_crmentity ON vtiger_crmentity.crmid = vtiger_globalvariable.globalvariableid where vtiger_crmentity.deleted=0 and gvname=? limit 1
2018-08-28T18:23:34-03:00 DEBUG index Prepared sql query parameters : [Application_ListView_Default_Sort_Order]
2018-08-28T18:23:34-03:00 DEBUG index Prepared sql query being executed : select * FROM vtiger_globalvariable INNER JOIN vtiger_crmentity ON vtiger_crmentity.crmid = vtiger_globalvariable.globalvariableid where vtiger_crmentity.deleted=0 and gvname=? and mandatory='1'
2018-08-28T18:23:34-03:00 DEBUG index Prepared sql query parameters : [Application_ListView_Default_Sort_Order]
2018-08-28T18:23:34-03:00 DEBUG index Prepared sql query being executed : select * FROM vtiger_globalvariable INNER JOIN vtiger_crmentity ON vtiger_crmentity.crmid = vtiger_globalvariable.globalvariableid inner join vtiger_user2role on vtiger_user2role.userid='6' where vtiger_crmentity.deleted=0 and gvname=? and rolegv like concat('%', vtiger_user2role.roleid, '%')
2018-08-28T18:23:34-03:00 DEBUG index Prepared sql query parameters : [Application_ListView_Default_Sort_Order]
2018-08-28T18:23:34-03:00 DEBUG index Prepared sql query being executed : select * FROM vtiger_globalvariable INNER JOIN vtiger_crmentity ON vtiger_crmentity.crmid = vtiger_globalvariable.globalvariableid where vtiger_crmentity.deleted=0 and gvname=? and vtiger_crmentity.smownerid='6'
2018-08-28T18:23:34-03:00 DEBUG index Prepared sql query parameters : [Application_ListView_Default_Sort_Order]
2018-08-28T18:23:34-03:00 DEBUG index Entering return_module_language(pt_br,Leads) method ...
2018-08-28T18:23:34-03:00 DEBUG index Exiting return_module_language method ...
2018-08-28T18:23:34-03:00 DEBUG index Entering return_module_language(pt_br,Leads) method ...
2018-08-28T18:23:34-03:00 DEBUG index Exiting return_module_language method ...
2018-08-28T18:23:34-03:00 DEBUG index Entering return_module_language(pt_br,Leads) method ...
2018-08-28T18:23:34-03:00 DEBUG index Exiting return_module_language method ...
2018-08-28T18:23:34-03:00 DEBUG index Entering return_module_language(pt_br,Leads) method ...
2018-08-28T18:23:34-03:00 DEBUG index Exiting return_module_language method ...
2018-08-28T18:23:34-03:00 DEBUG index Entering return_module_language(pt_br,Leads) method ...
2018-08-28T18:23:34-03:00 DEBUG index Exiting return_module_language method ...
2018-08-28T18:23:34-03:00 DEBUG index Entering return_module_language(pt_br,Leads) method ...
2018-08-28T18:23:34-03:00 DEBUG index Exiting return_module_language method ...
2018-08-28T18:23:34-03:00 DEBUG index Entering return_module_language(pt_br,Leads) method ...
2018-08-28T18:23:34-03:00 DEBUG index Exiting return_module_language method ...
2018-08-28T18:23:34-03:00 DEBUG index Entering return_module_language(pt_br,Leads) method ...
2018-08-28T18:23:34-03:00 DEBUG index Exiting return_module_language method ...
2018-08-28T18:23:34-03:00 DEBUG index Entering return_module_language(pt_br,Leads) method ...
2018-08-28T18:23:34-03:00 DEBUG index Exiting return_module_language method ...
2018-08-28T18:23:34-03:00 DEBUG index Entering isPermitted(Leads,EditView,) method ...
2018-08-28T18:23:34-03:00 DEBUG index Exiting isPermitted method ...
2018-08-28T18:23:34-03:00 DEBUG index Entering return_module_language(pt_br,Leads) method ...
Do you have cbtranslation records for your picklists? These are now mandatory
I need create all items ? one by one, manually in cbtranslation?
No, we added a changeset for that

If it did not create the records, try marking it Pending directly in the database and executing it again
System shows a error, but I can save a message text


Still Pending for all the time ...
what error do you get?
In screen only this

If I tried create one translation manually

Sorry! Attempt to access restricted file.
We are looking for this file path: modules//.php
We are looking here:
Real file path:
Root dir path: /usr/share/coreBOS/corebos-master/

2018-08-30T09:07:59-03:00 DEBUG index Prepared sql query parameters : [corebos.filter.ModuleSeqNumber.increment]
2018-08-30T09:07:59-03:00 INFO VT PearDatabase ->ADODB fetchByAssoc return null
2018-08-30T09:07:59-03:00 DEBUG index Prepared sql query being executed : select prefix, cur_id, concat(repeat('0',greatest(length(cur_id)-length(cur_id+1),0)),cur_id+1) as req_no
from vtiger_modentity_num where semodule=? and active = 1 FOR UPDATE
2018-08-30T09:07:59-03:00 DEBUG index Prepared sql query parameters : [cbtranslation]
2018-08-30T09:07:59-03:00 DEBUG index Prepared sql query being executed : UPDATE vtiger_modentity_num SET cur_id=? where cur_id=? and active=1 AND semodule=?
2018-08-30T09:07:59-03:00 DEBUG index Prepared sql query parameters : [0000002,0000001,cbtranslation]
2018-08-30T09:07:59-03:00 DEBUG index Entering function get_column_value (translates, , translates, 10, V='')
2018-08-30T09:07:59-03:00 DEBUG index Entering function get_column_value (forfield, , forfield, 1, V='')
2018-08-30T09:07:59-03:00 DEBUG index Exiting function get_column_value
2018-08-30T09:07:59-03:00 DEBUG index Prepared sql query being executed : insert into vtiger_cbtranslation(cbtranslationid,autonum,locale,translation_module,translation_key,i18n,translates,forpicklist,forfield,proofread) values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)
2018-08-30T09:07:59-03:00 DEBUG index Prepared sql query parameters : [38556,cbtr-0000001,pt_br,Leads,EMGE,EMGE,0,Leads::leadsource,,0]
2018-08-30T09:07:59-03:00 INFO VT PearDatabase ->ADODB error Query Failed:insert into vtiger_cbtranslation(cbtranslationid,autonum,locale,translation_module,translation_key,i18n,translates,forpicklist,forfield,proofread) values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)::->[1146]Table 'corebos580.vtiger_cbtranslation' doesn't exist
2018-08-30T09:07:59-03:00 DEBUG index function insertIntoEntityTable cbtranslation vtiger_cbtranslationcf
2018-08-30T09:07:59-03:00 DEBUG index Entering getTabid(cbtranslation) method ...
2018-08-30T09:07:59-03:00 DEBUG index Exiting getTabid method ...
2018-08-30T09:07:59-03:00 DEBUG index Prepared sql query being executed : select fieldname, columnname, uitype, typeofdata from vtiger_field where vtiger_field.fieldid IN (select min(vtiger_field.fieldid) from vtiger_field where vtiger_field.tabid=? GROUP BY vtiger_field.columnname) and tablename=? and displaytype in (1,3,4) and vtiger_field.presence in (0,2)
2018-08-30T09:07:59-03:00 DEBUG index Prepared sql query parameters : [67,vtiger_cbtranslationcf]
2018-08-30T09:07:59-03:00 DEBUG index Prepared sql query being executed : insert into vtiger_cbtranslationcf(cbtranslationid) values(?)
2018-08-30T09:07:59-03:00 DEBUG index Prepared sql query parameters : [38556]
2018-08-30T09:07:59-03:00 INFO VT PearDatabase ->TRANS Rolled Back
2018-08-30T09:07:59-03:00 INFO VT PearDatabase ->TRANS Completed

ADODB error Query Failed:insert into vtiger_cbtranslation(cbtranslationid,autonum,locale,translation_module,translation_key,i18n,translates,forpicklist,forfield,proofread) values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)::->[1146]Table 'corebos580.vtiger_cbtranslation' doesn't exist

How I can solve this?
this says it all:

vtiger_cbtranslation' doesn't exist

look for the changeset where we install this module and apply it
ah, no. You say you have the module but not the table
try creating this table directly in your database
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