Full Version: Mobile user get white screen after login
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After working fine some time in the mobile interface. Two on my user getting white screen after login.

There error is:
PHP Fatal error:  Call to a member function label() on boolean in ..../Smarty/templates_c/f3e8ee7270cb8098d4eff6bd5b57ca8ba1db8219_0.file.ListView.tpl.php on line 27

line 27 is:
PHP Code:
<head><title><?php echo $_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['_MODULE']->value->label();?>

Deleting the temp file f3e8ee7270cb8098d4eff6bd5b57ca8ba1db8219_0.file.ListView.tpl.php don't help.

Those users can't load any mobile page expect the login form.

For example:

Show white screen

As workaround I duplicate the user and the new user can access the mobile interface.

It's not look like this language / translation problem like in this post:

Because other users with the same setting can work.

Please advise
Try updating. I fixed an error yesterday that may be related. Please confirm.
(10-25-2018, 04:18 PM)joebordes Wrote: [ -> ]Try updating. I fixed an error yesterday that may be related. Please confirm.

Just finish the update on this Corebos instance. The problem still exist!
It must be something with the profile of those users, some field that is needed or something. Please try activating the debug log and share the SQL error that you will find there.
(11-02-2018, 09:08 PM)joebordes Wrote: [ -> ]It must be something with the profile of those users, some field that is needed or something. Please try activating the debug log and share the SQL error that you will find there.
I'm sorry but there is no error in that file and I can't reproduce the issue.

I see that the variable it is trying to access is saved in the PHP session variable for that user. Try clearing the PHP session variables maybe it is some rare case with that being corrupt and not being able to clean it up.
(11-03-2018, 08:48 PM)joebordes Wrote: [ -> ]I'm sorry but there is no error in that file and I can't reproduce the issue.

I see that the variable it is trying to access is saved in the PHP session variable for that user. Try clearing the PHP session variables maybe it is some rare case with that being corrupt and not being able to clean it up.

 I delete all session files and try to login again. A new session file was created that look valid:


ES|a:1:{i:0;O:22:"crmtogo_UI_ModuleModel":1:{s:4:"data";a:7:{s:4:"name";s:16:"ServiceContracts";s:5:"label";s:17:"Service Contracts";s:6:"active";s:1:"1";s:8:"ordernum";s:2:"17";s:6:"userid";s:1:"9";s:2:"i

again got this PHP error in the log:

Quote:PHP Fatal error:  Call to a member function label() on boolean in /mnt/2bck/crm/cqmtech/Smarty/templates_c/f3e8ee7270cb8098d4eff6bd5b57ca8ba1db8219_0.file.ListView.tpl.php on line 27

Please note that I have two block users. I'm afraid that the other user will be block for the same unknown reasone.
I'm not very worried because you can reproduce it consistently, that means it can be debugged and fixed. The problem is that I can't reproduce it so I can't fix it.

My next step would be to trace the code and see where it is failing.