Full Version: Mobile access get white screen after upgrade
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Mobile access display white screen after upgrade.
Can't find any trace why in the log files.

In my 1st Corebos CRM that upgrade today when I run from terminal:

cd 1st-corebos-root
php56 modules/Mobile/index.php

The output is:

Quote:PHP Notice:  Undefined index: QUERY_STRING in /.../modules/Mobile/index.php on line 11

No HTML output

In my 2nd Corebos CRM that last upgrade was in august and work fine when I run from terminal:

cd 2nd-corebos-root
php56 modules/Mobile/index.php

The output is:
Quote:PHP Notice:  Undefined index: QUERY_STRING in /.../modules/Mobile/index.php on line 11

<!DOCTYPE html> <header> <title>Login</title>.... Full html page

Look like it fail some where in:
PHP Code:
crmtogo_Index_Controller::process(new crmtogo_API_Request($_REQUEST)) 

Any idea?
update again, it should be fixed now
(10-30-2018, 04:28 PM)joebordes Wrote: [ -> ]update again, it should be fixed now

Thank you it working!