Full Version: coreBOS Updater module blocking all other
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I run two coreBOS system. On of of them when coreBOS Updater module is active it blocking all other modules.
Meaning on every module any user try to access he see the coreBOS Updater module.
In order to use the system I need to disable coreBOS Updater module!

This penomina is not occur in me other coreBOS system.
What going on here?
When coreBOS loads it requires the GlobalVariable module and the Menu extension to work. So it checks for these and loads the cbupdater to install them. Maybe it is getting stuck there because it can't install them ??
(11-02-2018, 09:22 PM)joebordes Wrote: [ -> ]When coreBOS loads it requires the GlobalVariable module and the Menu extension to work. So it checks for these and loads the cbupdater to install them. Maybe it is getting stuck there because it can't install them ??

Yes you are right!

GlobalVariable module and the Menu extension module where disable.

Thank you
Nice :-)

I just added some code to make sure these two modules are always active. Thanks!