Full Version: Can I set localization for workflow function "date"?
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I am using the following for confirmation of appointments:

PHP Code:
$(general : (__WorkflowFunction__format_date($date_start,'d. F Y') ) 

Gives something like this:

Quote:08. January 2019

That is German date structure but English vocabulary.
I would like to keep the long month names.
But they are displayed in English language.
Is there a way to change the localization?
That is a complicated server/php configuration so I prefer using the translation module in coreBOS.

  •  create records for each month in cbtranslation module Key: January,  Translation: Januar,  module: cbtranslation
    • it is important to set the module to cbtranslation as that has a special meaning of "the whole application"
  • now, in the workflow use

I did as you prposed but the translations do not show up in the workflow emails. Also switching the translations of the month names to ”proof read” did not help. How does the workflow module know to use the right locale?