I wish in payments if a specific value in my picklist another filed is a range min 01 max 10
In fact, if type of payments is a Credit Card, I wish a number of payments (another custom field ) only has a value between 01 to 10
my custom field
Called "type of payments"
Credit Card
If value select in this list is Credit Card another custom field
Nr of Payments is mandatory, and a valid value is 01 to 10
I know is possible with a business map, but I not able to created a correct syntax
regarding to your question, I would suggest you to create a Custom Validation.
I'm writing here an example for you (pls put the right field names before testing
PHP Code:
function checkCreditCard($fieldname, $fieldvalue, $params, $entity)
$current_record = $entity['recordid'];
$type = $entity['typeofpayment'];
$pno = $entity['paymentsno'];
$pattern = '^(?:0[1-9]|10)$';
if ($type == "Credit Card" && preg_match($pattern, $pno) && !empty($pno))
return true;
return false;
Then in your Validations Map you should add the following validation:
I hope this helps
(03-14-2019, 04:49 PM)elisa.deko Wrote: [ -> ]Hello,
regarding to your question, I would suggest you to create a Custom Validation.
I'm writing here an example for you (pls put the right field names before testing )
PHP Code:
function checkCreditCard($fieldname, $fieldvalue, $params, $entity)
$current_record = $entity['recordid'];
$type = $entity['typeofpayment'];
$pno = $entity['paymentsno'];
$pattern = '^(?:0[1-9]|10)$';
if ($type == "Credit Card" && preg_match($pattern, $pno) && !empty($pno))
return true;
return false;
Then in your Validations Map you should add the following validation:
I hope this helps
I try do that but this variable returned blank
$current_record = $entity['recordid'];
How I ask a coreBOS to send for my function this parameters?
function checkCreditCard($fieldname, $fieldvalue, $params, $entity)
I means where I can found a documentation explains that?