Full Version: Issue with updating after clean install
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Hi All,

I have just completed a clean install of corebos and have run into some issues when trying to run the coreBOS Updater. Hoping someone can point out what I am missing..

Specs of machine.
Ubuntu 18.04
PHP 7.2
MySQL  14.14

I run the install following the guide, roughly:
git clone ..
set permissions
run the web install (all requirements are met)

This gives me a working corebos install.

I then try and run coreBOS updater:
Load Updates
Apply All

Most of the updates appear to install successfully, some with errors - I read that there is an issue with caching and updates, so I hit 'Apply All' a few times. Some additional updates are installed.

I then end up with 4 updates with errors.

Update cbupd-0000044: DefineGlobalVariables::DefineGlobalVariables
Define new global variables
Error : result is not an object

Update cbupd-0000080: cbMapAddMapTypes::cbMapAddMapTypes
Define new Business Map types
Error : result is not an object

Update cbupd-0000276: addChgPWDEmailTemplate::addChgPWDEmailTemplate
creation of change password email template
Error : Permission to perform the operation is denied

Update cbupd-0000277: migrateemailtemplates::migrateemailtemplates
Migrate EMail templates
Error : Permission to perform the operation is denied for name

I notice that there are now some extra custom modules installed (Generate Documents, Merge Labels, Message Templates, Message and Pulses)

When I attempt to go into Messages, Message Templates or Pulses, I get a Fatal Error:

Fatal error: Uncaught WebServiceException:
Permission to perform the operation is denied for name in /var/www/html/corebostest/include/Webservices/VtigerWebserviceObject.php:48
Stack trace:
#0 /var/www/html/corebostest/include/Webservices/Utils.php(492): VtigerWebserviceObject::fromName(Object(PearDatabase), 'cbPulse')
#1 /var/www/html/corebostest/modules/CustomView/CustomView.php(77): vtws_getModuleHandlerFromName('cbPulse', Object(Users))
#2 /var/www/html/corebostest/modules/CustomView/CustomView.php(66): CustomView->getMeta('cbPulse', Object(Users))
#3 /var/www/html/corebostest/modules/Vtiger/ListView.php(73): CustomView->__construct('cbPulse')
#4 /var/www/html/corebostest/modules/cbPulse/ListView.php(10): include_once('/var/www/html/c...')
#5 /var/www/html/corebostest/modules/cbPulse/index.php(13): include_once('/var/www/html/c...')
#6 /var/www/html/corebostest/index.php(485): include_once('/var/www/html/c...')
#7 {main} thrown in /var/www/html/corebostest/include/Webservices/VtigerWebserviceObject.php on line 48
something is wrong
does your webserver user have write access on the tabdata.php file and other temporary directories? I am thinking that the tabdata.php file was not generated correctly while applying the changesets
It does not appear to be file permissions..

When I do the web install, it passes all the file permission checks. I can see that tabdata.php is being updated when running coreBOS updater.

To be sure, I did another clean install and then chmod -R a+w * on the whole install directory.

I still get the same issue when applying the updates.

Is there anything outside of the corebos directory that could be causing the permission issue?

Apache and php are both default installs on Ubuntu at the moment.
do you have all the dependencies? specifically, the php-xml and dom which are used by cbupdater
I ran a clean install yesterday, so it is rather odd

I will run another install and update the database tomorrow so you won't have any pending updates, but we should find out what is going on.

You could activate the debug log before executing the cbupdater the first time and search for some error in the log file
Yes, I have the ubuntu php-xml package installed which includes dom.

I'll turn on the debugging as you suggest and have a look at the logs..
Worked out the issue, it was caused by the mysql database being set to latin1 instead of utf8.

If this is a hard requirement, it should be part of the check during install.

I can't see anything about this requirement in the install documentation either..
I just made a local install with no problems, not quite sure what could be the issue but it looks to me like it can't install some modules correctly.

I updated the database, so, if you can, update the code and try a new install, you should be up to date

obviously, that doesn't fix the problem, it just permits you to start playing with the application in it's latest state.