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In config exists a variable $default_timezone = 'UTC';

I remmber in past this variable should be setting for UTC" , I means not changed to my real timezone

Today I can modified that without a problems?

Because my tickets shows a date and hour created and modified wrong values. could be that?
(10-01-2019, 02:07 PM)rslemer Wrote: [ -> ]In config exists a variable $default_timezone = 'UTC';

I remmber in past this variable should be setting for UTC" , I means not changed to my real timezone

Today I can modified that without a problems?

Because my tickets shows a date and hour created and modified wrong values. could be that?

That variable is used to define the value of UTC at the beginning of the project. So, tha value should be defined since then. It can be modified, but this means that all the records saved in your database will change their data based on the new UTC variable that will be defined. If you modify it again to the previous value, it will apply the changes, but still, a lot of information will be damaged by changing the time zone of the project. 

The best solution is to define the variable since the beginning of the project and not change it anymore! 
But this situation is very strange, system allows each user setting your owner timezone ..

You means this setting, user timezone is uses only for calendar?
(10-11-2019, 04:12 PM)rslemer Wrote: [ -> ]But this situation is very strange, system allows each user setting your owner timezone ..

You means this setting, user timezone is uses only for calendar?

Every user can set up his own timezone, but even if not, the system sets it up automatically. At the moment that are a few users using the system, the best thing to do is to coordinate their timezone, so it can correspond to the hours the tasks are created. 
Yes it will help in the future

Now because of user need we had to change timezone before this solution

the base is just the way it comments with two timezones


= (
why did you have to change it?
Normally I not change value in

But my user reclaim all the time, because yours tickets, time, shown wrong to him ( because user in brazillian time zone, America/Sao_Paulo ) and your scheduled reported was sent in time, without considering your timezone too

For solved that, I changed to "America/SaoPaulo". New tickets shows right time, considering my timezone, but I know all date field before this changed is wrote with anoter timezone ...

I informed him, my base had a two timezone

But him considerind if new tickets is wrote in right time, was the better to do