Full Version: Opportunity Workflow - New POT created - fixed
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the new potential creation workflow email notification goes to the task to do module but not on our external outlook user email
but the support ticket new ticket creation workflow is ok.

any help appreciated
Sorry, I don't understand. If it is an email issue try activating the email debug (, if not please share some examples
Hi Joe,
thank you for the response.

Ive noticed that i'm not receiving email notification from this workflow Opportunities Send Email to user on Opportunity creation
unlike in Support Tickets Send Email to Assigned users on Ticket creation - i'm receiving them.

but the POT created email goes to To DO module. is it normal? as seen on my picture.

also, ive noticed when i create new POT, this is what i received [Warning]: cron Task(s) exceed time threshold.
Workflow 00:15 running
I'd say there is a problem sending that email. The record is created just before sending, so the workflow is launching and reaches the point where it can create the email. Do you have the "message" module active?

Activate debug in and then activate BACKGROUND DEBUG log in, to see what is happening
yes "message" module active.
it's only in Opportunities Module, but the rest are not having this issue.

will check on this
/// Activate debug in and then activate BACKGROUND DEBUG log in,
to see what is happening

thank you.
fixed by updating the corebos

thank you