My users explain a situation about when need search a phone number, into a contacts, or leads, for example
Today coreBOS allows phone number is input in more than one field, like a phone, other phone, alternative phone, mobile phone, and custom fields type "phone"
Problem is, when user need search, also need input all fields phone type, manually
I suggest created a special tag,as allows user search the phone number in all fields without need specify one by one
and a second suggestion, fix the default value in picklist to "equal", because today, system put in default "none" (?)
see attached image
the "all phone fields" is an interesting idea. I had a look at the code and it is a bit more complex than it seems, but it can be done. I have added it to our endless list of things to do with a low priority.
While I was looking I found it easy to add the functionality in the global search. I don't know if you know that the global search currently supports the special tags:: prefix, if you launch a global search with the string "tags::cold" it will search for all records with this tag in the selected modules. I added the possibility to search for any field type, so you can now to:
"picklist:: string"
I also set the default operation to "equals" and applied LDS formatting to the global search results.
I will try that
But, i remember when coreBOS is integrated a pbx, existis this functionality ( or likely ) coded in system, because, in past systems did that way
I means, when call did received, system search all fields "type" phone to open a pop up with a caller data
Now, you changed that, for use a global variable for specify a list of variables
Perhaps is possible used that coded
it is not a problem of finding te phone fields, that is easy, it is about changing the filtering system to have "virtual" fields that expand to those fields. The way I understand it, we have to add in the field picklist a special field named "Phone Fields" and modify the filtering system to "understand" that virtual field and expand it into a valid SQL with all the fields
I also set the default operation to "equals" and applied LDS formatting to the global search results.
works in advanced tab when editing/creating a filter. But in advanced search, not yet. But help a lot, thanks!
Strange, my global search not working anymore ...
in console there this error
( i don't know if this is the problem ...)
I send you thru email, because a sensitive data
it works in advanced search also, that is where I tested it
I just launched a search and it seemed to work. make sure you have updated the service worker
(02-18-2020, 05:30 PM)joebordes Wrote: [ -> ]it works in advanced search also, that is where I tested it
yes, works thanks!
(02-18-2020, 05:31 PM)joebordes Wrote: [ -> ]I just launched a search and it seemed to work. make sure you have updated the service worker
update my install, with git pull
Is necessary any other step?
(02-16-2020, 02:02 PM)joebordes Wrote: [ -> ]the "all phone fields" is an interesting idea. I had a look at the code and it is a bit more complex than it seems, but it can be done. I have added it to our endless list of things to do with a low priority.
While I was looking I found it easy to add the functionality in the global search. I don't know if you know that the global search currently supports the special tags:: prefix, if you launch a global search with the string "tags::cold" it will search for all records with this tag in the selected modules. I added the possibility to search for any field type, so you can now to:
"picklist:: string"
I also set the default operation to "equals" and applied LDS formatting to the global search results.
Sorry, I don't know I undertood correctly
you say put this expression in global search in top of screen? ( like as attached )
Not working for me ..
Is necessary set each module I want to search? or another special setting?