Full Version: From picklist to multi-select combo box
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I need to transfer values from several picklist to one multi-select combo box, with workflow I hope.

My question is :
After first value transfer (from first picklist), could the other value (from second picklist) add to first one or they would replace it ?

For example :

We have 2 picklists :
First one with A, B and C values
Second one with D, E and F values

Multi-select box have A, B, C, D, E and F values

First I transfer the value A of first picklist : so combo box is like that : A selected
If I transfer the value E to combo box : could I have A and E selected or E replace A ?

I hope to be clear enough.

Thank's for help

No one seems to have a solution ?

Please contact me if explanations needed.


If you want that value A and E will be selected you have to concat |##| between each value.
Multipicklist separate values with this: |##|

So you need to save: A|##|E
(04-01-2020, 05:35 PM)omarllorens Wrote: [ -> ]Hi.

If you want that value A and E will be selected you have to concat |##| between each value.
Multipicklist separate values with this: |##|

So you need to save: A|##|E

Hi Omar,

Sorry, i did not see your answer.*
Is it possible with workflows ?

I will test it

Thank you
Sorry Gérald, I didn't read this: with workflow I hope.

I think you can not with workflows, because to concat with the firs value you have to get this first valuer before to not be replaced. My solution is for do it coding.
or enhance workflows to support this use case

I haven't had time to look into it yet...
As of today, this is now supported in the update field workflow task.