Full Version: Top GUI vibrate
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In the new corebos GUI , the top module menu automatically shrink when you scroll down.

Some times (don't know how to reproduce it) it start to vibrate.
The only way to stop it is to move the mouse around....

Here is a link to shot video:
You can see it in the first two sec.

BTW: is there a way not to shrink the top module menu when scrolling down

Thank you
we add a change 3 days ago to fine-tune the header. Does your install include that change or not?

We will consider adding a global variable to permit the module header to not shrink
This is an ongoing effort. It's quite hard to create this and get it right the first time, since there are so many different screen configurations. Drop a comment in the gitter group or here after you update and let uw know how it goes.
(05-26-2020, 05:23 PM)joebordes Wrote: [ -> ]We will consider adding a global variable to permit the module header to not shrink

It good idea. some of the users don't like it.

Regading the Top GUI vibrate it look like it happen only on my PC. I suspect that is mouse hardware issue.