Full Version: create quote fails with tax NaN
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upgrade from vt5.3->5.4->cb:

I cannot create a quote: tax is set as not a number and storing fails (individual tax mode).
No changes since vtiger - times where it works.
any help is appreciated,

where did you get the coreBOS code from?
can you reproduce this in the demo?

I just upgraded the demo to the latest version, if you can reproduce it there please give me the exact steps. If not, try upgrading I remember having seen various of those NaN fixed.
(10-20-2015, 03:15 PM)joebordes Wrote: [ -> ]where did you get the coreBOS code from?
can you reproduce this in the demo?

I just upgraded the demo to the latest version, if you can reproduce it there please give me the exact steps. If not, try upgrading I remember having seen various of those NaN fixed.

the demo is ok.

How do I update? The updater has 58 and does not find any more.

The best way to keep up with our constant changes is to put your install under git control:

if you can't do that, download the latest code from githhub and overwrite your files (if you don't have any changes)

Let me know how it goes.

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