Full Version: Updating record with new Organization
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Beofre I open a ticket in <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> I would like to know whethere this is a bug or is intended. Here is my probem:

I have a record with all sort of information in it including address information. I noticed that the organization name linked to that contact is not the good one so I create a new Organization record with only the Organization name for now. I go back to my contact record to edit the organization name. I select the new organization that I created but then when I look at the contact record Address Information, all has been blanked out.

Is that intended? That doesn't look right to me to delete the user address information without even warning the user.
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I think you can reopen the ticket.

Now if you click ok at the confirmation dialogue box (and even if the organization contact contains an address) the contact record address information is blanked out.
I just tested it again and it is working correctly.
I recorded the session but I don't know what happened to the audio. In any case you can see how I understand it. If that isn't your case, send me a video or some sceenshots so I can understand.

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joebordes Wrote:I just tested it again and it is working correctly.
I recorded the session but I don't know what happened to the audio. In any case you can see how I understand it. If that isn't your case, send me a video or some sceenshots so I can understand.

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Indeed for you it is working correctly. For me:
if I click cancel then nothing updates which is normal.
if I click ok then it blanks out all the fields.

The organization record does contain an address.

Here is the video: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

Sorry no sound as I am in the office, but it's pretty much explicit.
In the video you do not show the state of the fields on the account you are capturing. The idea is that if you say "yes", it copies the account's address, overwriting the contact's.

Please upload a screen shot of the address block of the account you are selecting.
As I said, the account (organization) contains an address. I will make another video shortly so to make it obvious.
Here is the new video: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
Make sure your modules/Accounts/Accounts.js script is the same as the one on github.
Send that file to me and I'll have a look.
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