Full Version: Mail Converter attach pic zero size, bug!?
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It seem like some bug regarding analyzing incoming email.
Image that embedded in the email, create in the CRM ticket with invalid image file ,the file size is zero.

How to reproduce form the mobile phone:

  1. Take screenshot.
  2. Share it with gmail app.
  3. Send the email to the crm email address.
Look like certain type of email the the main convertor not analize well.

I can't reproduce this. The attachment is added correctly for me.

if you can send me one of those emails, I will read it and see if I can reproduce it
Sorry for the delay,

Can't attach email in eml format in the forum, so here is a link to to google drive:

You can upload it to imap inbox using Thunderbird mail client.

This specific email was send form mobile outlook.

Thank you
turns out it was the encoding, not the image. very useful your example email: thanks!!

update, give it a try and let me know
(08-27-2020, 09:32 PM)joebordes Wrote: [ -> ]turns out it was the encoding, not the image. very useful your example email: thanks!!

update, give it a try and let me know


I implement this 4 files fix:

Sending again from iphone outlook, didn't solve the attach pic problem. but solve other issue the ticket subject was ???? (question mark charters) and the subject now is fine.
Here is a link to new eml we try:

Sending from iphone gmail have image problem.
Here is a link to 1st try after the update:

Other issue, that maybe related. When the email using Windows-1255 encoding, all text (subject + description) become ???? (question mark charters)
Here is a link to eml example:

Thank you