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As life goes forward, some our Contacts are changing Accounts, or just are retired, so we saw a need to be able to change Contact status, like we have for Products "Active/ Inacive" instead of delete Contact.
By this we would keep the history of records for Inactive contacts, but should be not able to select/relate this Inactive Contact to new records.

What do you think about this?
Hi, this is partial solution,
The idea behind this is not to hide the records, but to does not allowe the "disabled" contact to be selected/related to any of new records related to the contact.

two ideas come to mind:

1.- Use colorizer to mark them red (or some other color) and teach the users to not select the red ones
2.- Add a popup hook to modify the query and filter out those contacts (programming)
Thanks for response,

Second option would be a similar solution like "inactive Products" we have now, whitch prevents to use "old, deactivated products", but i suppose it requires codding.
I am the single user who has "died" contacts?
Suppose this should be implemented as build in feature.