Full Version: Just a little explanation on 'getTranslatedString'
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One of those things where, when you see it, it's so simple:

When you use getTranslatedString in for instance your Settings.php page:

PHP Code:
$menu_array['SetCredentials']['location'] = 'index.php?module=ExactOnline&action=SetCredentials';
$menu_array['SetCredentials']['image_src'] = 'modules/ExactOnline/images/setexactcredIcon.png';
$menu_array['SetCredentials']['desc'] = getTranslatedString('SetCredentials','ExactOnline');
$menu_array['SetCredentials']['label'] = getTranslatedString('SetCredentialsTitle','ExactOnline'); 

The first argument is the label in the language array, the second one is the module you want the system to look into for this language file.