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hi there,
I am new to administering coreBos however when I reset the mail server settings and put in the "server name" and populate the "from email" and re enter them back in they do not apply.
Error message "Test Mail Status:: Mail could not be sent to the admin user. Please check the admin emailid/server settings.
Is there a current issue?
try leaving the "from email" field empty (that is rarely needed and causes issue in a lot of SMTP servers)

if that doesn't help, try activating the DEBUG log and the Debug_Email_Sending global variable to see if there is any error from your server.

be careful sharing that information as there is a lot of details in that log

AFAIK there is no issue.

Let me know how it goes
Hi Joe,

Thanks for the information, I have tried leaving the address field blank and just have the server details entered in
Still not connecting to the exchange server, one thing the customer failed to advise me was the corebos server stopped sending out emails
around the same time they applied the hafnium patch.

Exchange is delicate, always has been a special case. Activate the debug log and read the conversation, there should be some clue as to what is happening there. Feel free to send me an email with the log if you would like me to have a look.
hi joe,
I am not sure what part of the following I am getting worng

diff --git a/modules/Emails/class.phpmailer.php b/modules/Emails/class.phpmailer.php

Is this what I am to run to enable logging?

if you are an up-to-date coreBOS you don't need to make any code changes. There is a global variable (Debug_Email_Sending) that you set to true (1) and activate debug log

keep asking if that is not clear
(05-31-2021, 08:58 AM)joebordes Wrote: [ -> ]if you are an up-to-date coreBOS you don't need to make any code changes. There is a global variable (Debug_Email_Sending) that you set to true (1) and activate debug log

keep asking if that is not clear

 Where do I find this "global variable (Debug_Email_Sending) that you set to true (1) and activate debug log" - is this within corebos administration or a file I need to edit a file?. The instructions are not clear
sorry, didn't see this response sooner. Global variable is a module where you create records to fine tune your corebos. It is usually in tools or settings. Just another corebos module

so, go to that module, create a new record, select the value above in the first picklist, set the value to 1, check the Default checkbox and uncheck the "in module list", that should get the email log sending to the logs

to activate debugging you have to set the DEBUG variable to true in and enable APPLICATION logging in include/logging/config.php
Hi Joe,
Logging is on and this is the output

2021-06-02T01:13:19+00:00 FATAL index SERVER -> CLIENT: 250-POM-MAIL.oepng.local Hello []
250-SIZE 10485760

2021-06-02T01:13:19+00:00 FATAL index CLIENT -> SERVER: STARTTLS

2021-06-02T01:13:19+00:00 FATAL index SMTP -> get_lines(): $data is ""
2021-06-02T01:13:19+00:00 FATAL index SMTP -> get_lines(): $str is "220 2.0.0 SMTP server ready
2021-06-02T01:13:19+00:00 FATAL index SERVER -> CLIENT: 220 2.0.0 SMTP server ready

2021-06-02T01:13:19+00:00 FATAL index Connection failed. Error #2: stream_socket_enable_crypto(): SSL operation failed with code 1. OpenSSL Error messages:
error:1416F086:SSL routines:tls_process_server_certificate:certificate verify failed [/var/www/html/corebos/modules/Emails/class.smtp.php line 374]
2021-06-02T01:13:19+00:00 FATAL index SMTP Error: Could not connect to SMTP host.
2021-06-02T01:13:19+00:00 FATAL index CLIENT -> SERVER: QUIT

2021-06-02T01:13:19+00:00 FATAL index SMTP -> get_lines(): $data is ""
2021-06-02T01:13:19+00:00 FATAL index SMTP -> get_lines(): $str is ""
2021-06-02T01:13:19+00:00 FATAL index SERVER -> CLIENT:
2021-06-02T01:13:19+00:00 FATAL index SMTP ERROR: QUIT command failed:
2021-06-02T01:13:19+00:00 FATAL index Connection: closed
2021-06-02T01:13:19+00:00 FATAL index SMTP connect() failed.
2021-06-02T01:13:19+00:00 INFO DB DB >> getMailError
2021-06-02T01:13:19+00:00 INFO DB DB >Error message:
2021-06-02T01:13:19+00:00 INFO DB DB >< getMailError Mail error is not connect_host, from_failed nor recipients_failed
2021-06-02T01:13:19+00:00 INFO DB DB >> getMailErrorString ""=Mail error is not connect_host, from_failed nor recipients_failed&&&
2021-06-02T01:13:19+00:00 INFO DB DB >All Mail status ==> error is not connect_host, from_failed nor recipients_failed

From what I can determine corebos is expecting tls connection

I have created a exchange specific receive connector for the corebos server and from a basic telnet session I can easily send a test email to an external recipient and it is received

Yes, it does seem to be a security issue. Have you tried all the different connection options? Have you read this page:

Tried the "ssl://msexchange:587"

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