Full Version: Members of Entity Not Showing - for Groups
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as I try to add members to a group that I created, The "members of Entity" list is empty.
It is not empty when I try to add users to a role. only empty when I try to add users to a group.

In case if the server info is needed,
I have upgraded the operating system, the php version is 7.4, all required and optional extensions are installed already.
Everything in the php.ini is already changed based on the requirements.

I am not sure what is going on, but certain bugs exist in my corebos and I cannot figure out why. If you look at the other issues I have created in Github (will do here as well), you will see what I mean.
My first installation of PHP was 7.0 thanks to Ondrej for removing all the updates for ubuntu 16.04 but now I upgraded to 18.04 and installed php 7.4. The issues still exist.
Everything else other than the issues I created are working fine, so I'm not sure if the issue is coming from a missing extension or something.
I would really appreciate your support.