Full Version: HTML in field
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Hi All
after the latest updates some fields show the htlm code in many modules, I don't understand why it happens with some new and old records
message template, potential, products, ecc
see the pics

coreBOS 8.0  (b7148f0dc20211208)

tooltip active maybe?
let me check
no, not tooltip. Do you know where is that span coming from?
found an example... looking
No Joe
honestly i can't understand
look this other pic from Business map, this is a DEFAULT business map, i didn't create it
I think I got it. Please update again and apply changeset when you can and let me know.

This is inside a set of security issues that are being found. Delicate edge cases...
Hi Joe
it works,
coreBOS 8.0 (b7148f0dc20211208)
tooltip active maybe?
let me check