Full Version: You don't have permission to access /cc_crm/index.php on this server.
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Every time I try to add a new Contact I get the error
You don't have permission to access /cc_crm/index.php on this server.

I can add new Organisations an other entitys, but not Contacts.

I already tried to put the read/write rights on all files to 775 but it did not help.
Any idea what's wrong with my setup? Huh

That seems like an Apache server error more than a coreBOS error. It could be that contacts is producing a PHP error and the server answers that generic message.

First, make sure you have all coreBOS updater changesets applied, this is very important. Then activate debug:

and look in the Apache error_log to see if there is some error that could give us a clue as to what could be happening.