Full Version: gmail with smtp server
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How i can setup a Google accounts with smtp server?

I use a ssl:// or and set at Filed Requires Authentication option SSL ?
I try that, but not success

There any log I can see to solution my connection problem?
Please follow all the steps and make sure they are correct. I have done this many times and it always works.
At log showed

[auth_check] => ssl
[mail_error] => Y3JtQGZvdG9wbGFjZS5jb20uYnI9JiYm
That doesn't tell me anything. I have done this many times, really, it works.
Make sure you follow all the steps.
Sorry this message not for gmail server

This message is return for smtp server or is a internal message in coreBOS ?
I'd say that it is returned from mail server
have you authorized access? Do you have two step verification active?