Full Version: How I can translate this?
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At mail manager, button transfer to ( folder names )

See attached
Have you tried corebosmail?

we don't have intention to add functionality to mail manager, just fix bugs
I need find where is coded. I am planned change at hard coded, either.

Yes i see corebosmail solution, but at moment I cannot change email boxes to another solution.
This should help, but it totally depends on the names of your folders so it isn't really very useful. For example, on my test install none of the folders are names like that so they don't get translated.
(09-12-2016, 02:52 PM)joebordes Wrote: [ -> ]This should help, but it totally depends on the names of your folders so it isn't really very useful. For example, on my test install none of the folders are names like that so they don't get translated.

Solve, thanks!!

Attached translate file, with new lines.