Full Version: Add Client to Customer Portal
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Dear God in Heaven! I feel like such an idiot, but I need some assistance. I do have a good excuse but lack the time to regale anyone with it at the moment.

If some kind soul could remind me how to add a client to the customer portal - give them access to it - I would be most grateful.  Confused

Thank you in advance,
edit the contact and check the "Portal User" check box. Make sure you set the support interval correctly and that emails and workflows are working to send out the password and access.
(02-17-2017, 05:23 PM)joebordes Wrote: [ -> ]edit the contact and check the "Portal User" check box. Make sure you set the support interval correctly and that emails and workflows are working to send out the password and access.

Thank you Joe... I really have been away for  awhile.  I completely forgot about that. You ROCK!