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There two small bugs, when click in call list on pbx manager

Link details is showed as as code ( not as a link ) see attached

Shown wrong information about update record ( see attached )
Can you please send me a dump of a few record from the vtiger_pbxmanager table? Send me 5-10 records directly from the database, just that table, so I can have a look with real data.

Send it to my email if you want to protect the data
Sent to your email


Another thing is possible translate a term "Unknown" ( wrote in table ) when caller id not in coreBOS ?

Please, upload a screen shot with the Unknown text.

Look occurs this ( sometime, I don't know right conditions, yet ) for caller id not in database, and other times, in caller id at database ...
I fixed the link.
I also added a global variable for you to change the Unknown to another string: PBX_Unknown_CallerID
That "Unknown" cannot be translated because it is saved in the database records when the call is made, if we translate it there, each record will save a different value depending on the current users' language and there will be no way for you to search the records consistently, so I converted the hard coded "Unknown" value into a global variable so you can set it to any string that you want to. As long as you are mono-language you should be able to search correctly.
You will have to change the value of he existing records directly in the database.