Full Version: Capturing client responses to trouble ticket notifications
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Hi All,

I've been wondering about this for a little while trying to figure out exactly how to intelligently ask this question: Is there a way to capture client responses to trouble-ticket notifications?

I've seen that other systems do this, but it's not clear as to how they're doing it, so I'm not exactly certain if this should be a workflow thing or what. Any ideas?
Hi @mweaver,

If you can. You must enable the classification of postal service. In this way, if a customer answers the mail you've sent, you can automate the process to attach information to the ticket.

Is it what you mean?
I think "Classification of postal service" is Mail Converter feature in Settings.
There are also some options if you have sendgrid integration which permits you to act upon user clicks in the email.

Can you give us a few examples of your desired workflow?
Hi Guys,

Sorry for the long delay in responding... It's been crazy around here for me lately. I've got a few things to take care of this morning, but when I get them done I'll post more of what I'm looking for.