Full Version: Trouble creating a CBupdate that installs a field
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I have created a cbUpdate that installs a field. This all works fine, but I see a problem when trying to test reversing the update. The update is in 'pending' status. Not sure why, but I can't try the 'undoChange' now either. Not a serious problem, since the field installs correctly, but still, I'd like to know what I'm doing wrong here.

Here's the code:

PHP Code:
class installSoFieldInPo extends cbupdaterWorker {
applyChange() {
        if (
$this->hasError()) $this->sendError();
        if (
$this->isApplied()) {
$this->sendMsg('Changeset '.get_class($this).' already applied!');
        } else {
include_once 'include/utils/utils.php';
$module Vtiger_Module::getInstance('PurchaseOrder');
$block Vtiger_Block::getInstance('LBL_PO_INFORMATION'$module);
// Setup the field
$field                =    new Vtiger_Field();
$field->name        =    'po_related_soid';
$field->label        =    'Related SalesOrder';
$field->table        =    'vtiger_purchaseorder';
$field->column        =    'po_related_soid';
$field->columntype    =    'INT(11)';
$field->uitype        =    10;
$field->typeofdata    =    'V~O';

undoChange() {
        if (
$this->hasError()) $this->sendError();
        if (
$this->isApplied()) {

$module Vtiger_Module::getInstance('PurchaseOrder');
$field = new Vtiger_Field();

$adb->pquery("ALTER TABLE vtiger_purchaseorder DROP COLUMN ?", array('po_related_soid'));

        } else {
$this->sendMsg('Changeset '.get_class($this).' not applied, it cannot be undone!');
isApplied() {
$done parent::isApplied();
        if (!
$done) {
// CODE: set $done
$r $adb->query("SHOW COLUMNS FROM `vtiger_purchaseorder` LIKE `po_related_soid`");
            if (
$adb->getAffectedRowCount($r) > 0) {
$done true;


You forget to add $this->markApplied(); after $field->setRelatedModules(array('SalesOrder'));

This function change the status to Executed.
Aaah, cool. Thanks!