Full Version: Saving Opportunity entry give error
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When I'm save Opportunity I get white screen, but the Opportunity is save proprietary!

The error it fail is:

Fatal error: Call to a member function FetchRow() on boolean in ..../include/database/PearDatabase.php on line 610

I enable the debug, last line are:

017-11-27T06:36:16+00:00 DEBUG index Exiting getTabid method ...
2017-11-27T06:36:16+00:00 DEBUG index Entering getActionid(ActivityReminderCallbackAjax) method ...
2017-11-27T06:36:16+00:00 DEBUG index Prepared sql query being executed : select * from vtiger_actionmapping where actionname=?
2017-11-27T06:36:16+00:00 DEBUG index Prepared sql query parameters : [ActivityReminderCallbackAjax]
2017-11-27T06:36:16+00:00 DEBUG index Exiting getActionid method: id selected is
2017-11-27T06:36:16+00:00 DEBUG index Exiting isPermitted method ...
2017-11-27T06:36:16+00:00 DEBUG index Prepared sql query being executed : SELECT handler_path, handler_class FROM vtiger_eventhandlers WHERE is_active=true AND event_name = ?
2017-11-27T06:36:16+00:00 DEBUG index Prepared sql query parameters : [corebos.permissions.ispermitted]
2017-11-27T06:36:16+00:00 INFO  VT PearDatabase ->ADODB fetchByAssoc return null
2017-11-27T06:36:16+00:00 DEBUG root ########### Pemitted ---> yes  ##############

Look like some post save issue. It is a new installation and no workflow is define.

Any idea?
look for a section that has a line with "Error" in the debug log, it usually is not at the end.

make sure you have all coreBOS updater changesets applied, that it usually the reason for this behaviour