Full Version: Filter - not allowed user change or created new
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There way, I allowed user see a previous filter, was created, but not allowed any modify or created a new filters?

My problem is user modify or created a report without a support time, createded a key for your selection field, for example

This new filter or new selection, causes overload in my BD ( server ).
Can you specify an example, explain again or upload some screenshots. Sorry but I don't understand.
I Wish not allowed some users edit/created filters ( setting for globalVariables, for example )
This is on our roadmap

How you see, the ideia for create a new globalVariable for hide this buttons ?

I will explain

This facility appears good, because allows user can get any data from system.
But this a big problem for performance and BD administration
Because user, in most times, uses a field not is prepared for search, not a key, or using a field for group by, the same way, not prepared for this.

This queries in BD, in most cases , search all table, for each execution, introducing an overload in server.

In production environment, i think only specific user can make this kind of changes.
I don't think this is a global variable thing, it requires a more fine-grained permission system
Ok, undertand.

But, in one simply vision, only we need, shows or not buttons ( or link ) for filter edition ...

Sure, not is a best solution, with profile and permissions ... but i think works too.
Yes, I suppose that would work also