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Pages: 1 2
All folders I click, system show same emails.

If I click, for users, for contacts, for Accounts, the result, all the time, is the same

( see image attached )
I think those have never worked. I never knew what those were for.
Why you don't remove from screen?

User ask how this work, and I don't know ( either ) what answer to him ...

Because I don't know what they are for. I don't know if someone is using that.

Sincerely I don't recommend using this module.
Yes i know.

But the other module, only paid, right?
Thunderbird and outlook extension are free
Roundcube integration costs 1 euro/month
Ok, I wish test outlook/thunderbird extension, where i can download ?

1 euro/moth per mailbox, right?
Ah I know this extension, but i don't like their.

thanks anyway.
Pages: 1 2