Full Version: github : cbupdater addfieldstocaltwo error
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when i run the update , i got this error :

INSERT INTO vtiger_cron_task (id ,name ,handler_file ,frequency ,laststart ,lastend ,status ,module ,sequence ,description) VALUES ('8', 'Calendar4You - GoogleSync Insert', 'modules/Calendar4You/cron/InsertEvents.service', '60', '1421927705', '1421927730', '1', 'Calendar4You', '7', '');
ADORecordSet_empty S ALTER TABLE its4you_googlesync4you_access ADD refresh_token VARCHAR( 250 ) NOT NULL
ADORecordSet_empty S ALTER TABLE its4you_googlesync4you_access ADD synctoken VARCHAR( 250 ) NOT NULL
ADORecordSet_empty S ALTER TABLE its4you_googlesync4you_access ADD googleinsert VARCHAR( 10 ) NOT NULL
Changeset addfieldstocaltwo applied!

ERROR: Class called without update record in application!!

Yes, it happened to me too. The Google Calendar team made a mistake there. I fixed it last night as soon as I saw it. Update your code again and apply the updated change.
Let me know how it goes.

BTW, we have changed the way you validate and connect to Google to make it easier on the users. You can read about it on the wiki.
having updating. it's working now.
