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I have a new SMTP server and tried do setting in my coreBOS

I config smtp server name and selected a TLS with Certificate Validantion

But not worked

In log, at debug active, system try do connect port 25 ( not correct in 587 / 465 for TLS protocol )

See log details

2018-03-07T12:03:33-03:00 FATAL index Connection failed. Error #2: stream_socket_client(): unable to connect to (Connection timed out) [/usr/share/coreBOS/corebos-master/modules/Emails/class.smtp.php line 299]
2018-03-07T12:03:33-03:00 FATAL index SMTP ERROR: Failed to connect to server: Connection timed out (110)
2018-03-07T12:03:33-03:00 FATAL index SMTP connect() failed.
2018-03-07T12:03:33-03:00 DEBUG index Error in Mail Sending : Error log = 'SMTP connect() failed.'

Port 25 ??

Server not accept port 25

I tried put a server_name:587, server_name:465 but still not working.

Always system sent server_name with port 25
How I can use TLS with port 587?

I know Gmail uses

TLS in 465
SSL in 587

But my server need TLS in 587 port


look at the comment on gmail and exchange: you can add your port after the host name
I did see that, but when I search in log, system still try to connect at port 25

If I change, in 'hard code', 25 to 587, works.

I tried servername:587 and select a protocol in dropdown list
I do this every other day, it is working for sure. Review the settings and the log, the error you are running into has to be there somewhere.
Note, the relay support. Many servers do not accept that. I have plans of eliminating this requirement going forward.

Also, leave the "from" address empty, that helps sometimes.
But you should be include a tls or ssl after server name

Here my changes

(03-08-2018, 08:36 AM)joebordes Wrote: [ -> ]I do this every other day, it is working for sure. Review the settings and the log, the error you are running into has to be there somewhere.

Yes, you are right.

I need redo a ca.cert certificate too.