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Fail to mail merge custome field
(08-06-2018, 03:34 PM)joebordes Wrote: I had no problem at all.
I went to the support tickets module, settings, layout editor, added a custom text field called testabc, edited the template you link above and added this line:


mass edited the field and merged: I got the line filled in correctly:

helpdesk_title=Problem about cannot hear your salesperson on asterix calls
helpdesk_category=Small Problem
helpdesk_relatedto=Dahlia Benett

Thank you for your reply.

I did more test and narrow down the issue in corebos demo env.
Attach two template that using TICKET_TESTABC (I allso create the fields and upload to corebos demo env).

One is working and one is not.
I don't relay need solution to the problematic template, because it only to test.

Other issue more important to me. is non Latin charactiers in custom the field name don't seem to work!
Attach template that using TICKET_פריט1 (I allso create the fields and upload to corebos demo env).

P.S. The forum don't allow me to upload odt file, all uploaded to the corebos demo env. can provide them via email etc.


Messages In This Thread
Fail to mail merge custome field - addady2 - 08-06-2018, 01:38 PM
RE: Fail to mail merge custome field - addady2 - 08-07-2018, 08:55 AM

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