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What's the use of roles and profiles when we can only select one role per user?
This is something that I can imagine has been discussed before and something I may not understand well enough. Anyway, I've always wondered what the use is for separate profiles and roles when we can only select one role for a user. If I have a group of users grouped by their role and I want a subset of that group to have permissions, but deny those permissions for the rest of the group I can't really do that. Sure I can select multiple profiles for the role, but then again I can't really turn that role on or off for certain users. So I'm left with creating roles and profiles that really represent the same thing. Maybe I'm missing some logic here but right now I can't think of any.

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What's the use of roles and profiles when we can only select one role per user? - Guido1982 - 11-30-2018, 11:10 AM

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