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Default quantity when adding new Product lines
When you add a new product/service on a Purchase Order the default quantity is 1. Also if you generate a PO from a product. What is the proper procedure for giving it another value, a numeric field on the product item?
I noticed the quantity value is saved in vtiger_inventoryproductrel table, but how do I set that field? I tried with a field set mapping Products2PurchaseOrder with 'quantity' as fieldname and the custom field in products as OrgfieldName but it does not seem to work. I checked the wiki and the forum but it is still unclear to me how can that field be controlled.
I can easily set the quantity in the releted InventoryDetails but that does not reflect in the quantity on the PO.

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Default quantity when adding new Product lines - radu - 11-18-2020, 09:08 AM

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