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-Solved- Workflow execution when saved by another workflow
Wow, was I offtrack with that ;). I get it now. It overrides that default behavior of NOT launching further workflows if changes were made by the system(workflow).
That brightened the room quite  nice ;). Although i got a bit confused, i think is an elegant way of trying to avoid odd mistakes.
For me, it works. I would understand it like this: Launch any workflow(all that would resolve true when saved by user) defined on the related module when present task updates something on that module.
The ProductComponent issue I experienced is described(quite badly here):
First the ProductComponent module does not register the table in the Products related tables, the existing Product Bundles related table - which is not a true representation of ProductComponent creates confusion, as described in the link ;). Anyways if i remove  Product Bundles and add ProductComponent in Layout Editor things start acting more normal BUT:
In the Product Component related list, the unit price and cost price of the 'toproduct' Product are not detected. Hence the price and cost rollup GV's cannot yield any number. So it is not working for me.
However, i can fill in those values in customfields upon every save with workflows, so costs and price can be correctly(to some acceptable degree) accumulated in those fields, picked up by the parent product and alter unit and cost price as needed. And I don't mind having the extra control of the procedure. But going the other direction(updating quantities after the relation has been saved) proved challenging if it has to go deeper than the first level ;).
There's also this strange behavior:
If the product component module has a workflow with a update task and you try to touch any field on 'from product' or 'to product' on let's say every save, the first time that the workflow will execute - which is when you save the initial relation- the GUI hangs and does not revert to the product page from where you added the product component relation, http service has to be restarted. The flow usually executes and does its updates but hangs after that. If it is triggered after the first save(you lose the moment of creation as a trigger) it works ok. This behavior is when i use 'add product component' button from the product's 'product component' related list.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Workflow execution when saved by another workflow - by radu - 07-12-2020, 03:54 PM

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