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Autocomplete in the Calendar UI
By the way, the standardly included jQuery UI is a custom build and does not include the autocomplete, so I ended up using the extra one anyway.

I've updated my code the following way:

I combined the two JSON files I made into this:

PHP Code:

// Lines 11-24 from
    /* prevent direct access to this page */
strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) === 'xmlhttprequest';
$isAjax) {
$user_error 'Access denied - direct call is not allowed...';
/* if the 'term' variable is not sent with the request, exit */
if ( !isset($_REQUEST['term']) ) {
// Execute code when autocomplete is requested via 'Accounts' parameter in GET request
if ( isset($_REQUEST['searchmodule']) && $_REQUEST['searchmodule'] == 'Accounts' ) {
// Start the empty 'allaccounts' array
$allaccounts = array();
// Get the term from the jQuery autocomplete GET request
$term trim(strip_tags($_GET['term'])); 
// Get the accounts that match part of the search term
$accountresults $adb->query("SELECT accountid, account_no, accountname FROM vtiger_account WHERE accountname LIKE '%$term%'");

// Loop accounts
while($account=$adb->fetch_array($accountresults)) {
// Create empty JSON array for this account
$JsonAccount = array();
// 'vtiger_account' table has no address data, so another query for the table that has those,
            // for the current account (in the array parameter)
$accountaddressres $adb->pquery("SELECT accountaddressid, ship_code, ship_street, ship_city FROM vtiger_accountshipads WHERE accountaddressid=?", array($account[accountid]));
// Loop the shipping address resultset
while ($address=$adb->fetch_array($accountaddressres)) {
// Add the account name and address as the JSON label
$JsonAccount['label'] = $account[accountname];
$JsonAccount['value'] = $account[accountid];
$JsonAccount['code'] = $address[ship_code];
$JsonAccount['street'] = $address[ship_street];
$JsonAccount['city'] = $address[ship_city];
// Push the current account with address info to the 'allaccounts' array
$allaccounts[] = $JsonAccount;
// Execute code when autocomplete is requested via 'SalesOrders' parameter in GET request
} elseif ( isset($_REQUEST['searchmodule']) && $_REQUEST['searchmodule'] == 'SalesOrders' ) {
// Start the empty 'allsalesorders' array
$allsalesorders = array();
// Get the term from the jQuery autocomplete GET request
$term trim(strip_tags($_GET['term'])); 
// Get the salesorders that match part of the search term
$soresults $adb->query("SELECT subject, salesorderid, salesorder_no, accountid FROM vtiger_salesorder WHERE salesorder_no LIKE '%$term%'");

// Loop salesorders
while($so=$adb->fetch_array($soresults)) {
// Create empty JSON array for this salesorder
$JsonSO = array();
// Start filling it
$JsonSO['value'] = $so[salesorderid];
$JsonSO['label'] = $so[salesorder_no];
$JsonSO['subject'] = $so[subject];
// 'vtiger_salesorder' table only has account id,
            // so query the accounts table also for the account name
$soAccountRes $adb->pquery("SELECT accountname FROM vtiger_account WHERE accountid=?", array($so[accountid]));
// Loop the results for the account name
while ($account=$adb->fetch_array($soAccountRes)) {
// Add the account name and address as the JSON label
$JsonSO['accountname'] = $account[accountname];
// Push the current account with address info to the 'allaccounts' array
$allsalesorders[] = $JsonSO;


So now the JSON file decides which JSON to return based on a GET parameter. Obviously I needed to change the jQuery source call for this, so now that looks like:


For the Accounts autocomplete field. Next up to do is to have the salesorders JSON check if there was an account already selected and filter the sales orders to the ones that are related to that account.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Autocomplete in the Calendar UI - Guido1982 - 11-17-2015, 02:54 PM

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