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new module development: Packing Slips
It shouldn't, there should be a one to one relation between the inventory lines and the records in the module
Well surely in this install inventorydetails lines are replaced by new ones in stead of being updated, but this is an older install. Let me check my own install (which is pretty up to date) and get back to you.
I checked this in my own install. A salesorder that has 4 inventory lines has 16 inventory details associated. One for every time the SO was updated, changed or whatever. This may be the desired behaviour, but I don't see how this could be an alternative for the normal inventory lines if there isn't some way to determine if this inventory details line is the most recent one. Or am I missing something and is there a way to see this?
I've started a branch in my repo to setup a proof of concept for creating a more modern, OOP way of handling inventory modules. Installing it will bring you a mess, but things like sorting the lines by dragging (in edit view) work, just to get a feel for it. Apart from that I moved a lot of code into a class and removed a lot of javascript from the template file. No replacement for this yet, but the plan is to create an OOP style JS object for inventory lines as well. The goal is to create code that could work with the current inventory handling, but could easily be adapted to work with Inventory Details module.
I tried the inventory lines CRUD with the associated inventory details and it worked correctly. I created, edited and deleted in various combinations and it always worked correctly. Are you using an up to date code version? This was implemented in September and we fixed a bug a few weeks after.
I will have a look at that branch as soon as I can.
(10-17-2016, 09:17 PM)joebordes Wrote: I tried the inventory lines CRUD with the associated inventory details and it worked correctly. I created, edited and deleted in various combinations and it always worked correctly. Are you using an up to date code version? This was implemented in September and we fixed a bug a few weeks after.

Well, it seems you're totally right. I tried in the demo as well as creating a NEW salesorder in the installation I tested this before, expected behaviour there. The double Inventory Detail Lines I found on older SO's. I'll investigate some more if I can find why this is. Maybe it's from a time when Inventory Details was not fully developed, I don't know.

(10-17-2016, 09:19 PM)joebordes Wrote: I will have a look at that branch as soon as I can.

Great. Keep in mind this is just a proof of concept right now. I want to create a full skeleton inventory module that has neatly separated code in the end.

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