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Versión PHP recomendada
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Last Post: joebordes
07-04-2024, 05:42 PM
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Could Someone Give me Adv...
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Last Post: joebordes
06-27-2024, 08:32 AM
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Forum: Administrator Support
Last Post: inspectorflint
06-22-2024, 08:08 AM
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GENDOC imágenes
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Last Post: joebordes
06-02-2024, 05:11 PM
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[RESUELTO] - Tipo de impu...
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05-18-2024, 04:22 PM
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How To Merge 10 Spreadshe...
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05-16-2024, 06:53 AM
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Workflow: función para ex...
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05-14-2024, 02:29 PM
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loadRelatedListBlock is n...
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05-11-2024, 11:57 AM
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Import a big spreasheet
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05-04-2024, 06:21 PM
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Workflow send email - mor...
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  Could Someone Give me Advice on Custom Module Creation and Integration with CoreBOS?
Posted by: smsmithh - 06-27-2024, 05:26 AM - Forum: Open Discussions - Replies (1)

Hello there,

I am new to CoreBOS and have been exploring its functionalities for the past few weeks. I am impressed by the capabilities and flexibility it offers. Although, I have a few questions and would greatly appreciate any advice or guidance from the experienced members here.

I am looking to create a custom module tailored to my organizations needs. While I have gone through the official documentation; I find myself a bit overwhelmed with the technical details. Could someone provide a simplified step by step guide or point me to a resource that explains the process in an easy t -understand manner?

The prerequisites for creating a custom module.
Best practices for defining fields and relationships.
How to ensure compatibility with future CoreBOS updates.

My organization uses several external applications. I am interested in integrating these applications with CoreBOS to streamline our workflow. What are the best practices for setting up these integrations? Are there any existing connectors or APIs that I should be aware of? Any examples or case studies would be incredibly helpful.

Also, I have gone through this post; https://discussions.corebos.org/thread-209.html which definitely helped me out a lot.

Lastly, I am curious about the best way to contribute to the CoreBOS community. Are there any ongoing projects or areas where new contributors can get involved? Also; I would love to know about any extensions or plugins developed by the community that might enhance the functionality of CoreBOS.

Thank you all in advance for your help and assistance.

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  Versión PHP recomendada
Posted by: juanmax - 05-23-2024, 10:58 AM - Forum: International - Replies (7)

¡Hola de nuevo, Joe!

Espero que estéis fenomenalmente bien y que todos vuestros proyectos estén yendo genial. Smile

Solamente quería preguntarte sobre que versión de PHP es la recomendada para la última versión de corebos, pues en el manual de instalación recomiendas PHP 8.1 (https://corebos.com/docs_grav/getting-started/installation), pero al instalar desde git, el instalador verifica la versión y no deja usar una mayor de la 7.4.

Como siempre, muchas gracias por tu esfuerzo y por tu ayuda.

¡Un abrazo!


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  GENDOC imágenes
Posted by: Joana - 05-14-2024, 02:51 PM - Forum: Open Discussions - Replies (4)

Hola Smile
Necesitaría ayuda para esta situación:

He creado una Plantilla para Oferta de Venta pero no puedo ver las imágenes de los artículos.

{paracada InventoryDetails}
{paracada Sales Order}
{Products.productcode} {Products.productname}
{imagen InventoryDetails}
*Aquí va la imagen insertada con su vínculo

Esta configuración, sí presenta las imágenes sí la utilizo como Plantilla en Presupuestos.

Alguna indicación? Gracias

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  How To Merge 10 Spreadsheet Into One
Posted by: raavikant - 05-05-2024, 03:47 AM - Forum: Open Discussions - Replies (1)


I am using 10 spreadsheets, having multiple tabs and data but not following the same order and my question is that how can I marge them into one.


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  Workflow: función para extraer el día de una fecha
Posted by: Joana - 05-03-2024, 12:20 PM - Forum: User Support - Replies (4)

Saludos de nuevo Smile
Estoy creando un workflow y no consigo encontrar la función para extraer el día en un fecha.
Tampoco he sabido cambiar el formato de fecha aaaa,mm,dd al formato dd,mm,aaaa.
Al copiar la fecha en un campo de texto lo presenta en formato americano.
La expresión que he utilizado es: concat('Vto. ', duedate ,' Importe ', number_format(hdnGrandTotal, 2, ',', '.'), '€')

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  Actualizar campo relacionado
Posted by: Joana - 05-02-2024, 11:21 AM - Forum: User Support - Replies (1)

Hola ,
He creado un campo (cf_1679) en Detalles de Inventario.
Lo he añadido a vistas de Presupuestos
La idea es actualizar este campo con el valor del campo (vendor_part_no) de Producto cada vez que añado una línea y una vez actualizado, si lo necesito, cambiarlo directamente.
El siguiente mapa no me funciona. Alguna sugerencia? Gracias
Nombre: quotes2quoetes
Tipo: Mapeado
Módulo: Presupuestos

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Posted by: Joana - 03-26-2024, 03:48 PM - Forum: User Support - Replies (3)

Hello everyone.
I see that within ACCOUNTS there is a PRODUCTS block but it does not present any record. 
What should I do to display the products of the offers made for the client?
What step by step should I do? I don't know how to program 
Thank you

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  [Solved] Gendoc - Contacts comments variable ?
Posted by: geraldbigot - 02-09-2024, 04:15 PM - Forum: Administrator Support - Replies (2)

Is it possible to add Comments contents with Gendoc ?
I don't see such {Contacts.comments} or something like that in EtiquetasOO
Thks for help

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  Intermittent issues after rehosting
Posted by: err1max2@gmail.com - 02-02-2024, 10:02 AM - Forum: User Support - Replies (9)

We use coreBos (crm) as back-end for our market place (front-end on WP).
Due to change of provider we had to rehost corebos server.
We copied DB and full application folder.
DNS wise everything is the same ... FQDN hasn't changed.
The only change is that, instead of using standard https port (443), we had to use a different one (xxxx).
I reflected the same in the config.inc.php

Everything seems to be working fine.
We can loging, search contacts, workflows are working fine and communication with front-end (WP) is also fine.
Not the less when we edit some contacts (not all) the application hangs and takes ages (minutes) to perform that action.
To be noted that while the portal hangs for me saving the contact, this do not impact the front-end (WP). I mean that while my browser hangs saving the record I can still navigate on my market place which is continously talking and fetching info from the crm.

In apache logs I have some Warning

PHP Warning:  Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /var/www/html/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/corebos/lib/cbSurveys.php on line 123

And under logs/vtigercrm.log I have several entries

FATAL webservice Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction

Any advise or suggestion?
Let me know

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  Custom Columns in Mail Manager Send folder
Posted by: inspectorflint - 12-04-2023, 04:00 PM - Forum: Modules/Extension Support - Replies (1)


It is possible to add a new column in the send email folder of the mail manager module? I use the Gmail servers, and in the Send folder, the interface only displays two columns. Sender and Subject, and I want to add the mail recipient.

Thank you

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