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Intermittent issues after rehosting
(02-04-2024, 11:52 PM)joebordes Wrote: could it be some workflow trying to update related records?

I initentionally disabled the workflows (stopped the job running them) to avoid any "additional" transactions/"noise" happening on the DB.
In a certain way I "isolated" the application/DB so that the only transaction/action running was my update from the web page (editing contact page).
Needless to say that running directly the following sql on the db (logically equivalento to what I'm trying to do via the web) do not take any second (imediate).

update `vtiger_contactdetails` set online=1 WHERE contactid=497481;

Is there any debugging that I can enable to understand what is happening?
Let me know

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RE: Intermittent issues after rehosting - - 02-06-2024, 02:56 PM

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