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Several malfunctions after update

First of all thank you for all your effort.
I've got a corebos installation which was running Version 5.5 until yesterday when I decided to update to the latest version of corebos. I downloaded the latest Version ( and copied the files to my web directory (excluding the configuration files and the install directory). After that I ran the corebosupdate to get the latest database changes. So far it went without a problem but unfortunately I discovered that some things aren't working anymore.
1. The Thunderbird Plugin does not find any contact in corebos to attach an email to. It just keeps searching (no error message). It's the latest Version 0.510 and worked before the update. Do you have an idea how to get that working again?
2. I was using vtiger's customer portal. That stopped working, too with some error messages that didn't make any sense to me. So I decided to give the corebosCP a shot. I configured the PotalConfig.php and set up a user in corebos. So far I can log in but I can not see any records. I am able to create a TroubleTicket through the Portal (verified in corebos) but when I select the module (Trouble Tickets) to get a list of available items I only get the message "No results found."

After the login the values for support start and support end seem to be missing:
Last Access 2015-07-22 06:57
Support Start Date support_start_date
Support End Date support_end_date

Any ideas what could be wrong?

3. The last issue is probably not related to the update. When I use variables in e-mail templates they get inserted in english language. I need them in german though. Is that a bug or did I miss something like a default language for the customer portal?

Thank you for all your help
Thunderbird: curiously I tested this a few days ago and fixed an error in the query. I just tested it again now and it seemed to work correctly. In the vtiger-spain forum a VT6 user shared with us that the plugin is not working on the latest versions of Thunderbird, maybe that has something to do with it?
Portal(s) I will have a look, probably all the query enhancements we have added to the REST interface broke something.

I'll keep you informed.
Email template variables: give me an example please
Note: next time create individual threads. It is ok to have one central one if you want but we should really be talking about each issue individually.

(07-22-2015, 08:17 AM)joebordes Wrote: Email template variables: give me an example please

OK, here is the strange thing: I did a few more tests. The E-Mail Template in question is sending the login details via E-Mail to the user.

When I check the field "portal user" within a contact in corebos a workflow is started that provides the user with username and password for the portal.
The variable "$contacts-salutation$" is replaced by (in my case) "Mr." This should be in german (Sehr geehrter Herr).

When I use the button "forgot password" in the customer portal I get an E-Mail based on the same E-Mail template (I can tell because I created a very unique look).
But the variables "$contacts-salutation$" or "$contacts-lastname$" are not replaced by the correct values (just blank).

So now I have a situation where either my variables are translated to the wrong language or not translated at all.

Any ideas?

I tested coreBOSCP: it seems to be working correctly.
The projects/records you expect to see are related to the account/contact you logged in with?
Can you try to reproduce in the online demo?
Review the profile/permission of the user you are connecting as, recalculate and empty coreBOSCP cache. See if that helps.
I just uploaded a few commits:

* to fix the missing contacts variable merging in the email template, they should all now appear correctly
* to translate the salutation depending on the default_language variable configured in

update your copy and give it a try when you can.

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