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PDFMaker generate pdf files without images
Hello everybody,

I have ported my corebos installation from webspace provider to my own server. The database i have also copied to the new installation. Only PDFMaker must be reinstalled. In my invoice template i have some images. In the template editor they are visible. When i generate an invoice the are no images in the pdf file, only a red cross. I think that some modules are missed in php installation. Can anybody help me.



Is it possible that the image url is still pointing to the old domain?
If this old url is working, if possible that pdmaker can show you when you edit the template, but when try to convert to pdf not.
(12-21-2020, 09:18 AM)omarllorens Wrote: Hi.

Is it possible that the image url is still pointing to the old domain?
If this old url is working, if possible that pdmaker can show you when you edit the template, but when try to convert to pdf not.

Hi omarllorens,

thanks for your answer. Maybe, that is at the moment one linked image from the old system. Where should I store the images and how I put it the image in my template? Is modules/PDFMaker/img/ the right directory? At the moment there is one image in the head area which is inserted with:

<p><img alt="" src="" style="height:86px; width:500px" /></p>

It is on the old server. Is this correct to implemented with full url or is there another way to link it?

If you use ckeditor to load images , I think the images are saved on storage/kcimages/images. So this is the normal directory for save the images, but your directory have to works too.

To link your images to your templates, is not necessary to add the domain, you can use just the path: modules/PDFMaker/img/foxparty.jpg. If you add the images at this way, you will not problems when you change the domain in the future.

Try just with the path or if not working, load again one image with the ckeditor to insert the image for you and check the path that generate to replicate with the others images.

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