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new module development: Packing Slips
column_fields is automatically filled in the constructor with all the fields in the module. it is where all the values are saved when you load a record or when you save one

related_tables, this array adds sql joins to the query that is constructed when getting the values for a related list. You don't generally need to define it here because it is filled in automatically when need:
it is just in case your module has some non-standard table relation that you want to get fields from

list_fields and list_fields_name are the array of fields that define which columns will be shown in the related lists of this module. Suppose you establish a related list on Accounts to your module, when someone goes to Accounts > More Information and opens the related list of your module, the columns that will be shown are the ones defined in these two arrays. This can be customized per module by the user using the List Columns Mapping:

Keep asking
Have a nice weekend

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RE: new module development: Packing Slips - joebordes - 10-07-2016, 05:46 PM

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