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PDFMaker e-mail task does not declare JS var moduleName
We're working with the paid PDFmaker, that comes with some workflows for creating PDF's and e-mailing PDF's. That's all fine, but now that I'm creating a new task, the condition and task group never load inside of the task. I checked the console, that gives me a reference error. It says the JS var 'moduleName' is not defined in editworkflowscript.js (modules/com_vtiger_workflow/resources/editworkflowscript.js). This happens only for the PDFmaker task, not for any other task. To be clear: the workflow can create a condition. It is when you create a new workflow task that you see this problem.

I checked the script, I can't find the moduleName declaration anywhere so maybe this is some gloval variable set in another script, but not handled correctly by the PDFmaker script?
Please contact me offline and I will send you an updated version.
With our change to jquery and elimination of ptototype library we have had to update PDFMaker and other extensions. We have asked ITS4You to update their versions on their site with the code WE are maintaining and even sell their versions for coreBOS but they don't seem interested.

If anybody needs an updated version of PDFMaker for coreBOS please contact me directly and we will help. I will need you to send me a proof of purchase for the license: we aren't hacking nor pirating code here, just updating and adapting the code to coreBOS, you still need the license for it to work.

We have some other extensions too. Busincess case, TAC and some others. We are not maintaning ListViewColors because Stefan Warnat donated his Colorizer to the coreBOS project so we use that one instead because of the donation and because it is much more powerful.
Thanks! I'll e-mail you right away. I'll add the license.

Yes, It seems ITS4YOU is not very interested in anything other than vTiger 6. They used to be very responsive to e-mails, but these days it seems you should be glad to even get a response. Anyway I've had some github issues and hope to get around to update this install to a github version soon, where I can use all the new goodies.
It is a pity because we are doing the work, all they need to do it is setup a sign on their website and upload a zip file from time to time to keep another door open and get some additional revenue.... I suppose they know what they are doing... enjoying the vtiger crm community which is still in the same ranting of 10 years ago (!)
Yes, I see these forums from time to time when I'm googling for answers and basically there is no change. It seems they've completely abandonded the open-source philosophy, and their partners have also come on board to move in the direction of closed software.

On a different note, when checking your workflow task TPL files for the invoice creation I saw:

<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
var moduleName = '{$entityName}';

in one of the templates. I think this is related to my issue? I've received mail from Omar in the meantime so will update and tets when I can.
Yes, that piece of code looks relevant. Let us know how it goes.
(08-05-2016, 08:23 AM)joebordes Wrote: If anybody needs an updated version of PDFMaker for coreBOS please contact me directly and we will help. I will need you to send me a proof of purchase for the license: we aren't hacking nor pirating code here, just updating and adapting the code to coreBOS, you still need the license for it to work.

I have got a license for PDFMaker Professional (for VTiger 5.4) and EMailMaker (for VTiger 5.4). It would be great to get them supported in the new install of CoreBOS in which we managed to migrate the old VTiger db.

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