Full Version: Translate Mini Calendar
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Is possible I translated that mini calendar ?
This calendar is translated with this variable:

it looks correct in the latest version. What value do you have in that variable in your install?
Can you look in the javascript console to see if the file jscalendar/lang/calendar-br.js is loaded or you have some error related to this file?
Does the file exist in your install?
Do you have this line of code in your Header.tpl file?
(03-02-2017, 05:26 PM)joebordes Wrote: [ -> ]Do you have this line of code in your Header.tpl file?


(03-02-2017, 05:25 PM)joebordes Wrote: [ -> ]Can you look in the javascript console to see if the file jscalendar/lang/calendar-br.js is loaded or you have some error related to this file?
Does the file exist in your install?

yes occurs an error ( see attached file )

(03-02-2017, 12:30 PM)rslemer Wrote: [ -> ]'LBL_JSCALENDAR_LANG' => 'br',

if i set to 'en" mini calendar is displayed correctly

if i set to 'br' mini calendar not is displayed anymore ..
the br translation was incorrect. I updated it here:

update your code and try again
mini calendar is displayed now, but with wrong characters ( in file is ok, but when showed not ... )
I see it correctly
send me a screenshot
(03-12-2017, 12:30 AM)joebordes Wrote: [ -> ]I see it correctly
send me a screenshot

// full month names
Calendar._MN = new Array

Some modules work, another modules not

In panel works fine
in service contracts, opportunities, help desk, not ...
Pages: 1 2